Sunday, March 2, 2014

Book 'Dit is meesterlijk' - about craft

A few weeks ago I bought the beautiful book 'Dit is meesterlijk' from Nicole Uniquole, about the unique qualities of craft. Everything about this well-designed book invites you to pick it up and actually read it. I think everyone recognizes the feeling that you browse through a book, take a good look at the images or pictures and you might do that two or three times and after that the book ends on a big pile of other books you never will read. This book is different, I actually read everything, and enjoyed every part of it.

Of course it is about my passion; craft - but these days everything is about craft. Craft is hip and happening. A lot has been written about this topic, but only few articles involve the past in their story. This books analyses craft over the years and link it at the dynasties in the 14th and 15th century. One of the conclusions is that craft is not only craftsmanship, but also art, originality and love. Contemporary craft mixes these old techniques and knowledge with new materials and productions methods. 

What makes craft so special according to this book? In response to mass production, pollution and uniformity people want transparency. Products and their raw materials should be traceable, so people get back their trust in products and manufacturers. This narrative power also provides craft with its distinctive value. Who knows and experienced the dedication with which crafts have been made, will never non-committal purchase such a product.

In November 2014 Nicole Uniquole will again organize the event 'Meesterlijk' in the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam ... perhaps there will be a new book as well  ... I hope so, because it's well-designed, informative ans inspiring!

Dit is meesterlijk - Nicole Uniquole

Dit is meesterlijk - Nicole Uniquole

Dit is meesterlijk - Nicole Uniquole

Dit is meesterlijk - Nicole Uniquole

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